In Switzerland, there are various projects that accompany and support refugees interested in studying at a Swiss university, university of applied sciences or university of teacher education. On this page you will find important information about the individual projects.
German-speaking Switzerland
University of Basel | Open Lecture Auditorium (Offener Hörsaal)
The Open Lecture Auditorium (Offener Hörsaal) was founded in 2016 and is a student association at the University of Basel that advocates for greater equality of opportunity for asylum seekers and refugees. In cooperation with the Coordination Office for Refugees, the Open Lecture Auditorium organizes and coordinates the mentoring system during the trial semester and offers framework programs to promote social exchange and the integration of refugee participants. The association also acts as a contact and mediation point to support asylum seekers in their studies. Through its activities, the Open Lecture Auditorium contributes to diversity at the University of Basel.
University of Basel | Coordination Office for Refugees
If you are interested in studying at the University of Basel, then you need to contact the Coordination Office for Refugees. In an initial, non-binding consultation, the Coordination Office will clarify whether you fulfil the admission requirements and/ or which additional requirements (if any) you still need to fulfil to matriculate at the University of Basel. If studying is not an option, the Coordination Office will help you to find the source of information you need. The offer is aimed at refugees who are interested in studying or who are already enrolled.
Free, personal counselling and support on:
- Finances, budgeting
- Day-to-day questions
- Accommodation
- Correspondence with various official bodies (e.g. Immigration Office, social security)
- Networking/ triage with internal offices at the University of Basel and external offices in the Basel region
Contact person: Anna Meier
University of Bern | Compass UniBE – University preparation for refugee students
Compass UniBE is a two-semester university preparation program for refugees, who are aiming to study at the University of Bern. The program enables qualified refugees interested in studying to hone their language, methodological, and organizational skills in preparation for taking up a study program.
After successfully completing the Compass UniBE university preparation program, you have the opportunity to apply for admission to a regular course of study.
The project startet in the fall semester 2023 and is initially limited to two pilot years.
- Language courses (German up to level C1 and English)
- Mathematics course
- The opportunity to attend modules or lectures in the discipline of your choice
- Courses on learning technique and methodology
- Individual counseling and support with the admission process
- Mentoring by the students’ union (SUB)
- Access to various university services
- Information and orientation events
Contact person: Ann-Seline Fankhauser und Solvej Sörensen
Media coverage
Uni aktuell: Einzigartige Studienvorbereitung für Geflüchtete (4.3.2024)
Der Bund: Wie die Uni Geflüchtete integriert (30.10.2023)
bsz – bärner studizytig: Kompass UniBE – Eine neue Praxis der «Integration»? (12.3.2023)
University of Bern | Open Lecture Auditorium (Offener Hörsaal)
This project is open to refugees who are interested in studying for a degree or exploring the higher and/or continuing education opportunities available to them in Switzerland. Participation is possible during one semester.
- Attendance of a maximum of 5 courses at the University of Bern as a listener (except medical faculty)
- No possibility to take examinations or acquire ECTS credits
- Mentoring with students from the University of Bern in peer groups
- Support programme: kick-off event, networking meeting, final meeting, information event with BIZ (career guidance and information centre), etc.
- Campus account: Access to university documents, e-mail account, access to libraries and the university sports programme
- Language course through BoG PH Bern and loan of VoCHabular German self-study materials
- Use of the SUB Hüsli (lounge, kitchen, photocopying)
- Laptop loan
- Confirmation of participation
Admission criteria
Registration according to the “first come, first serve” principle
University of Lucerne | Campus Lucerne for Refugees
The integration pre-study program is an initiative of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the University Lucerne and the Lucerne University of Teacher Education. The objective of the one-year pre-study program is to make it easier for well-educated and ambitious people with a refugee background to gain access to regular studies. The bridging offer is aimed at people with a residence permit B, F, S or N. As part of the integration pre-study program, refugees can attend German courses, mentoring offers and selected modules as auditors at one of the three universities, depending on the intended focus of their studies.
- German language course level B2/C1
- Modules as a auditors (selection from module offerings)
- Mentoring by local students
- Position talks by the coordination office
- Participation in sports campus activities
Admission criteria
- Proof of school-leaving certificate from the country of origin/ equivalent qualification to study at our university
- University experience or proof of studies completed abroad (admission is based on individual aptitude assessment)
- Proof of language skills: German level B2
- Written consent from the case management office (if available)
- Minimum age: 18 years
- Residence permit in Switzerland: B, F, S or N
- Addictional criteria:
- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts: relevant work experience (can also be acquired after the integration pre-study)
- University of Lucerne: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
- Lucerne University of Teacher Education: German level C2.
Application , Costs and Duration
- The Campus Lucerne programme lasts two semesters; entry to the programme is possible in the autumn semester.
- Information on the application process and deadlines can be found here.
Contact persons:
- HSLU: Sandra Sommer & Barbara Stettler
- UNILU: Uta Zehnder
- PH Luzern: Anne Schillig
Flyer (in german)
University of Zurich | Explore - Academic Orientation Program for Refugees at UZH
“Explore – Academic Orientation Program for Refugees at UZH” is a semi-intensive program at the University of Zurich (UZH) and is aimed at qualified refugees who want to improve their German language skills at an academic level and get to know the content and demands of studying in Switzerland. Participants attend German courses, academic modules and various information events on higher education opportunities at UZH for at least one semester.
- German courses with a focus on linguistic study skills
- University subject modules
- Information and counselling services on higher education in Switzerland
Admission criteria
- Residence permit N, F, S or B (refugee)
- At least upper secondary school-leaving certificate (e.g. Matura)
- Good knowledge of German (at least completed level A2)
- Consent from the case-managing organisation (declaration of consent from the case-managing organisation must be submitted
- with the application)
- Residence in Switzerland
Application , Costs and Duration
Explore lasts two semesters; it is possible to join the programme in the autumn semester. Classes begin in mid-September and end at the beginning of May.
Information on the application process, deadlines and programme fees can be found on the programme website.
Contact person: Chantal Marquart and Zaher Ahmadi
Zurich | «SEET – Support Education, Empower Together»
As part of a study support project, “SEET” supports refugees in re- or up-taking studies in Switzerland by providing professional mentoring, a broad network, a variety of skills-workshops and situational financial support.
- Individual mentoring to overcome individual challenges
- Guidance and support with applications for study programmes and scholarships
- Events to accompany mentoring and for social exchange
- Various skills-workshops
- Group meetings
- Workshops and training courses
- Situational financial support in some cases
Admission criteria
- Refugees with N, F, B or S status
- Have some of the requirements for studying
- Good knowledge of the language of study (min. B1-B2)
- It should be realistic that the person will be able to start studying in Switzerland within one to a maximum of two years.
Universities of Applied Sciences
Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) | University Preparatory Course (for Refugees)
The 15-month preparation course comprises a language and a technical preliminary course as well as the start of an internship. It enables refugees with suitable previous education to access a university of applied sciences course at the Department of Technology and Computer Science.
- Language course
- Preliminary course
- Internship
- Coaching
- Access to libraries
- Preparation for regular studies (admission requirements must be met at the beginning of the course)
Admission criteria
- Residence permit N, F (refugees and provisionally admitted persons), S and B
- At least Matura, but preferably study experience in the country of origin
- German and/or French B1
- Canton of Bern (exceptions are possible)
Contact persons: Marlis Zbinden and Thomas von Burg
E-mail: and
Bern University of the Arts (HKB) | AG Creation for All
This project is aimed specifically at refugees with a background – educational or professional – in art, music or design. The project gives refugee artists an opportunity to expand their network, experience university life at the HKB (Bern University of the Arts) and familiarise themselves with its admission requirements if they wish to start regular stuides. It is free of charge.
- Participants can attend several classes – visual communication, fine arts, music, theatre etc. as an ‘auditor’ (no exams and no academic credits)
- One to one mentoring
- Language exchange (“tandems”)
- Certificate of attendance (upon request)
Admission criteria
- N, F, B or S residence permit
- Previous experience in the field of art, music or design
- No specific language skills required; beginners may also apply. Where necessary, the appropriate language classes will be sourced for the participant.
University of Applied Sciences Grisons (FHGR) | Preparatory/ Bridge Year For Refugees
Refugees (status N, F, B or S) who qualify for university studies should be given access to a Bachelor’s degree programme at the UAS Grisons through a preliminary bridge year. In this preparatory/bridge year (2 semesters), students can choose from the following Bachelor’s degree programmes:
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Business Administration, Artificial Intelligence in Software Development, Computational and Data Science, Digital Business Management, Digital Supply Chain Management, Information Science, Mobile Robotics, Photonics, Tourism (English)
In addition to modules specific to the degree programme, participants attend support modules such as a German class and preferably complete an internship in an occupation relevant to the degree programme in a company in the Grisons region. Completing the bridge year should improve the participants’ training and labour market skills.
The bridge year lasts 1 academic year and can be completed in 2 variants:
- Option 1 with internship: Students complete a part-time internship (approx. 40%) for 12 months in a company specific to their degree programme. If the student is suitable and interested, the internship can be converted into a part-time position after successful completion of the bridge year, which provides financial security and independence in addition to part-time studies and improves the student’s employability after graduation. Students are responsible for finding their own internship.
- Option 2 without internship: If desired, the bridge year can also be completed without a part-time internship. However, this requires proof of the necessary practical experience, which is required as a condition of admission to the degree programme.
- Course-specific modules
- Academic German course aiming at C1 (entry level B2)
- Mentoring/coaching: In the case of coaching, students receive individual support in organisational as well as academic matters from the responsible contact point at the UAS Grisons in their day-to-day studies.
- Free use of UAS Grisons services (library, sports, IT, etc.)
- Free lending of a laptop and books
- Mentoring / Buddy System (by UAS Grisons students)
Admission criteria
- Residence permit: N, F, B, S
- Previous education: Matura certificate from the country of origin or proof of studies completed abroad.
- German language skills: Level B2
- Confirmed assessment of potential by the job coach responsible (for canton graubünden only)
- Written consent from the leading office/social counselling centre
- Minimum age: 18 years
- Place of residence / region: Switzerland
Take part in the online information event on 12 March 2025 or make an individual appointment with our coordination office.
Contact person: Anne-Marie Jäger-Stevenson
Media coverage (in german)
- SRF Regionaljournal Graubünden: Fachhochschule will Flüchtlingen Zugang zu Studium erleichtern (19.10.2023)
- Hotellerie Gastronomie Zeitung: Brückenangebot für Geflüchtete (30.20.2023)
- FH Graubünden Magazin “Wissensplatz”: Brücken bauen (Februar 2024)
INVOST | Integrationsvorstudium an Fachhochschulen
INVOST – Integrationsvorstudium an Fachhochschulen is a collaborative programme between the Swiss Students’ Unions (VSS), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES–SO) and the FHNW School of Engineering, which has been in existence since 2021. Its aim is to prepare qualified refugees for admission to a course of study at a UAS by means of targeted support measures. Two cross-cantonal UAS – the FHNW School of Engineering (Integral Project) and the HES–SO – have seized the initiative and are taking concrete action to make equal access to higher education a reality.
INVOST – Integrationsvorstudium an Fachhochschulen is supported by the Volkart Foundation and the Mercator Foundation Switzerland.
Contact person: Rahel Müller Aho
Further information (in German or French)
Media coverage
ASYL: Qualifizierte Geflüchtete an der Fachhochschule Westschweiz HES-SO und der Hochschule für Technik FHNW (2/2024) (With the kind permission of the ASYL editorial team, published by Swiss Refugee Council (SFH). You can subscribe to the specialised legal journal ASYL at
School of Engineering Brugg-Windisch (HT FHNW) | Project Integral (INVOST)
Integral is a pilot project which is implemented as part of the wider cross-cantonal project INVOST – Integrationsvorstudium für Geflüchtete and in cooperation with the Swiss Students’ Union (VSS) and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES–SO).
Applicants will be invited for an interview. The aim is to identify the right solution for the applicant: direct admission to a UAS course of study or admission to a preparatory course first or alternative study options.
The preparatory course consists of a range of support services. The choice of services provided to the participant is determined by the results of their individual assessment and their specific needs: They include:
- Counselling & support service
- Assistance with finding internal and external internship positions
- German and English courses
- Courses in maths, physics & programming (as needed)
- Mentoring
Admission criteria
- High level of motivation for (re-)admission to a technical course of study
- Language skills B1 in German (proficiency assessments on an individual basis)
- Prior education in the home country (school-leaving qualifications, e.g. Baccalaureate, or higher). Checks are carried out by the Integral Project Coordination Office (FHNW) in cooperation with the competent cantonal and local authorities and advisory services.
Contact person: Stefan Czarnecki | Head of the Integral Project Coordination Office
Media coverage
- ASYL: Qualifizierte Geflüchtete an der Fachhochschule Westschweiz HES-SO und der Hochschule für Technik FHNW (2/2024) (With the kind permission of the ASYL editorial team, published by Swiss Refugee Council (SFH). You can subscribe to the specialised legal journal ASYL at
- Impulse: Brücke zum Studium für qualifizierte Geflüchtete (November 2023)
Basel Academy of Art and Design (HGK Basel FHNW) | Access HGK
“Access HGK” is a student-initiated association which promotes equal opportunities in access to higher education. The purpose of the association is to make it easier for prospective students with refugee experience to provide access to the Basel Academy of Art and Design (HGK Basel) by means of a bridge offer.
- Participation in events as a guest student
- Close support of project participants from the admission procedure to graduation
- Administrative, organisational and financial support with enrolment and studies
- Semester framework programme/activities
- Access to the infrastructure of the HGK Basel FHNW
- (Language courses at the appropriate level under development)
Admission criteria
- Refugees with residence status N, F, S, B, C
- Region of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Land, Aargau, Solothurn
- Interest or prestudies in the creative field
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) | Campus Lucerne for Refugees
The integration pre-study program is an initiative of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the University Lucerne and the Lucerne University of Teacher Education. The objective of the one-year pre-study program is to make it easier for well-educated and ambitious people with a refugee background to gain access to regular studies. The bridging offer is aimed at people with a residence permit B, F, S or N. As part of the integration pre-study program, refugees can attend German courses, mentoring offers and selected modules as auditors at one of the three universities from autumn 2024, depending on the intended focus of their studies.
- German language course level B2/C1
- Modules as a auditors (selection from module offerings)
- Mentoring by local students
- Position talks by the coordination office
- Participation in sports campus activities
Admission criteria
- Proof of school-leaving certificate from the country of origin/ equivalent qualification to study at our university
- University experience or proof of studies completed abroad (admission is based on individual aptitude assessment)
- Proof of language skills: German level B2
- Written consent from the case management office (if available)
- Minimum age: 18 years
- Residence permit in Switzerland: B, F, S or N
- Addictional criteria:
- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts: relevant work experience (can also be acquired after the integration pre-study)
- University of Lucerne: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
Application , Costs and Duration
- The Campus Lucerne programme lasts two semesters; entry to the programme is possible in the autumn semester.
- Information on the application process and deadlines can be found here.
Contact persons:
- HSLU: Sandra Sommer & Jeremy Sigrist
- UNILU: Uta Zehnder
- PH Luzern: Anne Schillig
Flyer (in german)
University of the Arts Zurich (ZHdK) | Guest and Trial Semester for Refugee Art and Design Students
The programme is aimed at refugees who have worked as artists or designers in their country of origin or have started or completed a corresponding course of study.
- Residence status: N, F, B or S
- German courses
- The contact point for refugees provides information on projects and initiatives in the field of asylum that are connected to the university and its students
- Possibility of ECTS credits being recognised when transferring to regular studies for guest students
- Confirmation of participation
- Overview of the programme here
Admission criteria
- Studies or professional experience in art, music or design
Contact person: Iris Meili
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) | ZHAW for Refugees
The ZHAW offers various access options for refugee (prospective) students. A contact point offers information on which of these options is most suitable for a person. Further support measures are being planned.
- As an auditor, you can get to know university life at the ZHAW without the possibility of taking exams (no ECTS points). It is possible to study as an auditor for a maximum of two semesters.
- Study as a mobility student for a maximum of two semesters. During this time, credits can be earned and ECTS points can be obtained.
- Study as a regular student within the framework of the regular study programme.
Admission criteria
- Currently residing in Switzerland and in possession of a B, F or N permit or assigned status S as a person deemed in need of protection.
- Completed training or education that entitles the prospective student to be admitted to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme in their country of origin.
- Knowledge of the teaching language (German and/or English at level B1)
Mobility student:
- Currently residing in Switzerland and in possession of a B, F or N permit or assigned status S as a person deemed in need of protection.
- Matriculation at a university in the country from which the prospective student fled.
- Knowledge of the teaching language (German and/or English at level B2).
Regular student:
- The generally applicable admission requirements for the respective Bachelor’s or Masters’s degree programme must be met.
- Knowledge of the teaching language:
- Bachelor’s degree: German at level C1 and/or English at level B2/C1
- Master’ degree: German and/or English at level C1
Contact person: Manuela Rüdt
Universites of Education
Bern University of Teacher Education (PHBE) | CAS Teaching with a Foreign Teaching Diploma
The course provides trained teachers with a foreign teaching diploma with basic knowledge of the Swiss education and school system. The CAS is aimed at teachers with a foreign teaching diploma who already teach in Swiss schools or who wish to enter the teaching profession. This course is not an official equivalent to an EDK teaching diploma, nor is it a compensatory measure within the meaning of the EDK regulations. The CAS enables participants to build on existing competences and strengthen their knowledge and practice for teaching in a Swiss primary school.
- Module 1: Personal and professional development as a teacher
- Module 2: School, school environment and cooperation
- Module 3: Teaching in Swiss primary schools
- Final module: Individual training concept
- Access is open to teachers regardless of their current employment status.
- The possibilities for crediting certificates of competence will be examined on a case-by-case basis.
- The course starts on 7 November 2024 and takes place during the school holidays in block weeks and on Fridays and Saturdays (synchronous, asynchronous, online and on site).
- The Canton of Bern covers the costs for people who live in the Canton of Bern and work or will work at a school in the Canton of Bern. Regular full price: CHF 6’800.00
- 300 hours / 10 ECTS; part-time possible
Admission criteria
- Teachers with a foreign teaching diploma from a tertiary educational institution
- Internationally recognised language diploma in German at level B2 or higher
Contact person: Nathalie Glauser
Website (in German)
Media reports:
vpod bildungspolitik: „Hürdenlauf mit ausländischem Lehrdiplom“ (December 2024)
vpod bildungspolitik: „Ein gelungener Einstieg!“ und „Warum gibt es diesen CAS nur in Bern?“ (September 2024)
University of Teacher Education FHNW (PH FHNW) | Refugee Teachers - Insights into a Swiss School
The University of Teacher Education FHNW (the Institute for Continuing Education and Counselling) offers trained teachers with a refugee background the possibility of classroom visits (“Insights into a Swiss School”) with Swiss colleagues at primary schools (grades 1-9).
This is not a job training or internship and no subsequent employment at a school is possible.
- Introductory afternoon, two individually agreed, approx. half-day classroom visits and an evaluation event
- Foreign teachers gain an insight into Swiss schools and learn about their school and everyday culture
- The events and the school visits take place in German/English
- If possible, the FHNW PH will put together the team members according to level-specific and regional aspects
- Travel expenses are covered by the PH FHNW
Admission criteria
- You have acquired a teaching diploma for elementary school (Bachelor of Arts) in
your home country as a teacher or teacher in a school and you have teaching experience in your home country. - You are rfugee and have a residence permit F or B or S and live in northwestern Switzerland (Aargau, Solothurn, Basel-Landschaft or Basel-Stadt).
- You have oral English proficiency and / or German basic knowledge.
- You have the possibility to visit two to three half-days a Swiss teacher at his/her school in northwestern Switzerland.
Contact person: Mirja Furrer
Website (in German)
Media coverage:
vpod bildungspolitik: „Ein gelungener Einstieg!“ und „Warum gibt es diesen CAS nur in Bern?“ (September 2024)
Lucerne University of Education (PHLU) | ANGEL – Recognition of Diplomas of Refugee Teachers
The Lucerne University of Teacher Education supports refugee teachers in gaining a foothold in the Swiss education system, whether through support during the diploma recognition process with compensatory measures or through the development of targeted training and further education measures. The experience gained through the individual case flows into the awareness-raising work on entering the teaching profession in Switzerland for refugee teachers. During a one-and-a-half-year pilot project, an inventory of existing initiatives for refugee teachers at teacher training colleges will be compiled and the projects networked with each other. Particular attention will be paid to the high language requirements for studying at a university of teacher education or for taking up a professional teaching position.
- Support during the diploma recognition process
- Development of targeted training and further education measures
Contact person: Stefanie Rinaldi
Website (in German)
Lucerne University of Education (PHLU) | Campus Lucerne for Refugees
The integration pre-study program is an initiative of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the University Lucerne and the Lucerne University of Teacher Education. The objective of the one-year pre-study program is to make it easier for well-educated and ambitious people with a refugee background to gain access to regular studies. The bridging offer is aimed at people with a residence permit B, F, S or N. As part of the integration pre-study program, refugees can attend German courses, mentoring offers and selected modules as auditors at one of the three universities from autumn 2024, depending on the intended focus of their studies.
- German language course level B2/C1
- Modules as a auditors (selection from module offerings)
- Mentoring by local students
- Position talks by the coordination office
- Participation in sports campus activities
Admission criteria
- Proof of school-leaving certificate from the country of origin/ equivalent qualification to study at our university
- University experience or proof of studies completed abroad (admission is based on individual aptitude assessment)
- Proof of language skills: German level B2
- Written consent from the case management office (if available)
- Minimum age: 18 years
- Residence permit in Switzerland: B, F, S or N
- Addictional criteria:
- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts: relevant work experience (can also be acquired after the integration pre-study)
- University of Lucerne: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university
- Lucerne University of Teacher Education: German level C2.
Application , Costs and Duration
- The Campus Lucerne programme lasts two semesters; entry to the programme is possible in the autumn semester.
- Information on the application process and deadlines can be found here.
Contact persons:
- HSLU: Sandra Sommer & Barbara Stettler
- UNILU: Uta Zehnder
- PH Luzern: Anne Schillig
Flyer (in german)
French-speaking Switzerland
University of Fribourg | Hérodote & Hérodote Plus
The University of Fribourg offers two different programmes aimed at different target audiences:
Hérodote is a programme for refugees who have not yet reached a B2 level in their language of study but comply with the other conditions of admission of the University of Fribourg.
- Language courses at the University Language Centre during 1-2 semesters in preparation for a language exam at level B2 (Goethe-Zertifikat for German or TCF for French).
- Participate in lectures from their future discipline as listeners
- Exchange with their mentor (through the student association OFI/OBI)
Registration is possible until 30 November (Spring semester) or until 30 april (Autumn semester). The course costs CHF 3000.- per semester and admission to the university upon completion of the course is conditional on obtaining the required grade in the language exam.
Hérodote Plus
Hérodote Plus is a programme for refugees who have a university background but whose prior degrees (upper secondary education and/or university education) do not grant them admission to the University of Fribourg. Participation is possible for people aged 25 and over.
- Language courses at the University Language Centre for 2 semesters
- Participate in lectures from their future discipline as listeners
- Exchange with their mentor (through the student association OFI/OBI)
- Preparation for an admission exam at the end of the year
Carmen Delgado:
Media contributions
RTS : Rentrée universitaire, Fribourg facilite l’accès aux études pour les réfugiés (18.09.2023)
University of Fribourg | Orientation - Education - Integration (OFI / OBI)
OFI/OBI is a student association project which seeks to facilitate the access of refugees and asylum seekers to higher education.
- Help for refugees in Switzerland to access higher education
- Assistance with administrative procedures and integration in campus life
University of Geneva | Horizon académique
Horizon académique is a modular programme which aims to facilitate the labour market integration of refugees and other sections of the population with comparable needs. It prepares participants for admission to higher education.
- 1:1 academic and occupational assistance and guidance
- Intensive French classes
- Access to academic courses with option of sitting exams and acquiring ECTS credits
- Participation in university life and access to cultural and sports events and activities
- Peer mentoring and appropriate support from faculty staff
- Administrative assistance (registration as and ‘auditor’, i.e. no exams and no academic credits; enrolment in degree programme) and financial support.
Admission criteria
- Residence in the canton of Geneva (exception with declaration of consent from the competent social welfare authority)
- Permit N, S, F, B (refugee or family reunion), Swiss nationals who have returned from abroad
- Minimum age 18
- Have started an academic programme and dropped out OR have not been able to start an academic programme after completing secondary school
- Interest in a degree programme at a university in the Canton of Geneva
Graduate Institute Geneva | Horizon académique and Refugee Scholarships
The Graduate Institute is a partner institute of the University of Geneva and is involved in the Horizon académique programme, which promotes the professional integration of refugees and other population groups with similar needs. Participants in the Horizon académique programme (see information above) can prepare for and apply to a Master’s programme at the Graduate Institute.
In addition, the Graduate Institute offers an annual scholarship to one refugee student to cover living and study costs.
Website of the Graduate Institute
Information about Horizon académique
Information about the scholarship
University of Lausanne | Admission without secondary school leaving certificate
The University of Lausanne (UNIL) offers two alternative admission options for people who do not have a (Swiss) secondary school leaving certificate. These are not explicitly aimed at refugees, but can also offer them an admission option:
Entrance examination
Applicants who are at least 20 years old and do not have a degree that allows them to enrol can be admitted to a Bachelor’s degree programme at the faculties and schools of UNIL after passing a prior entrance examination. Registration for the exam is also possible for refugees with B and F status.
The exam consists of several disciplines, the content of which varies depending on the desired faculty. Passing the exam allows access to the faculty or school for which the exam is taken. This option is available for all UNIL degree programmes.
The Gymnase du soir offers preparation for the examinations of various degree programmes.
Admission sur dossier
Admission sur dossier is reserved for applicants who have reached the age of 25, have at least three years of professional experience and fulfil other requirements equivalent to those required for the preliminary examination.
Applicants must prove that they have acquired knowledge comparable to that required for a baccalaureate.
Admission sur dossier allows access to the degree programme for which an application has been submitted. This option is available for all degree programmes at UNIL, with the exception of the École de français langue étrangère (School of French as a Foreign Language).
Further information: Website
University of Lausanne | UNIL without Borders
Unil sans frontières (Usf) provides support and assistance to refugees (N, F, B or S residence permits) who are interested in studying for the first time or continuing their education at Lausanne University.
- Free advice and support
- to identify study opportunities at the University of Lausanne
- for administrative procedures (immatriculation, registration as an auditor, registration at the School of French as a Foreign Language)
- Involvement within UNIL to facilitate access to studies for people in exile (study access, upgrading and socialisation programmes)
- Organising exchange and awareness-raising events
- Establish channels of communication and collaboration with players in university education and integration
Admission criteria
- For refugees with N, F, B or S residence permit
- Free advice and support
University of Neuchâtel | Escabeau program
The Escabeau program aims to facilitate the integration of refugees and asylum seekers in Switzerland. The program is designed to facilitate their integration by offering them several possibilities:
- improving their French language skills through language courses at the Institut de langue et civilisation françaises (ILCF) (from A2 to C1)
- persue a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme depending on their academic background. The newly created integration programme offers the possibility of conditional admission. If 30 ECTS credits are earned over the course of two semesters, regular enrolment is possible
- pursue a CAS d’intégration as a complement to a foreign university degree
- benefit from the support of a mentor during their studies at UniNE
Who can participate in the Escabeau program?
The Escabeau program is open to refugees in Switzerland who hold a B (refugee), F, N or S residence permit.
Media coverage
rtn: Le programme Escabeau porte ses fruits à l’UniNE (27.2.2024)
The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) | Preparatory programme (CMS-3)
The CMS-3 is a preparatory programme for migrants and refugees in Switzerland who have followed a higher scientific education in their country of origin but whose diploma does not meet the admission criteria for the EPFL Bachelor’s programme. They also do not have the level of French required for the traditional preparatory year (Cours de mathématiques spéciales – CMS).
Refugees also have the possibility of accessing EPFL courses without aiming to obtain credits, an academic title or a professional title:
- Access as free auditors.
- Online courses (MOOC) for continuing education purposes.
CMS-3 :
- E-mail:
- Website
General contact point :
- Student Services desk:
Universities of Applied Sciences
The aim of the programme is to give refugees access to one of the Bachelor’s-level engineering courses at HEIG-VD by means of a preparatory year.
- Participation as a student auditor in certain courses in the chosen programme
- Participation in examinations and the possibility of retaining units validated during the preparatory year for the first year of the Bachelor’s programme
- Participation in an internship, either part-time (throughout the year) or full-time (during the second semester)
- Coaching by peers and teachers
- French language courses
Admission criteria
- Persons with N, F, S status as well as B and C refugees
- meet the admission requirements of the HES-SO/Swissuniversities (with the exception of the professional experience section)
- Knowledge of French B2, German or English A2
- Admission also possible via EXAD (entrance exam for engineers)
Website HEIG-VD
Flyer (in French)
Contact person: Christopher Martellet
University of Applied Sciences Geneva (HES-SO) | Horizon académique
Horizon académique is a modular programme which aims to facilitate the labour market integration of refugees and other sections of the population with comparable needs. It prepares participants for admission to higher education. It is offered in partnership with the University of Geneva and the Geneva Graduate Institute. After completing the bridging programme, students can be admitted to all degree programmes at the HES-SO Geneva.
- 1:1 academic and occupational assistance and guidance
- Intensive French classes
- Access to academic courses with option of sitting exams and acquiring ECTS credits
- Participation in university life and access to cultural and sports events and activities
- Peer mentoring and appropriate support from faculty staff
- Administrative assistance (registration as and ‘auditor’, i.e. no exams and no academic credits; enrolment in degree programme) and financial support.
Admission criteria
- Residence in the canton of Geneva (exception with declaration of consent from the competent social welfare authority)
- Permit N, S, F, B (refugee or family reunion), Swiss nationals who have returned from abroad
- Minimum age 18
- Have started an academic programme and dropped out OR have not been able to start an academic programme after completing secondary school
- Interest in a degree programme at a university in the Canton of Geneva
Information about Horizon académique: Website
Informationen about the HES-SO Geneva: Website
University of Applied Sciences Valais-Wallis (HES-SO) | Roadmap to Study (INVOST)
The Roadmap to Study programme is a preparatory year for refugees (residence status N, F, B or S) with the aim of studying at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis School of Social Work, School of Art and School of Engineering (Computer Science and Communication Systems and Systems Engineering courses). The programme lasts 12 months and prepares participants for admission to a Bachelor’s degree course.
- Individual evaluation (skills assessment)
- Attendance of lectures with guest student status, including participation in examinations. If the examinations are passed, the ECTS credits are distributed virtually. The virtual ECTS credits will be recognised upon definitive enrolment.
- Language courses at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis
- Short internship in the chosen field of study
- Individual coaching for 12 months by our coaches
- Mentoring by a student
Admission criteria
- Strong interest in the field of social work, design and art or engineering (either practical experience and/or a degree in social work, design/art or engineering)
- Level B1 in French or German
Contact person: Amel Mafoud
Website (in German and French)
School of Social Work Fribourg (HETS) | AlterEgauZ (INVOST)
At the Fribourg School of Social Work, highly-qualified refugees and asylum seekers who have immigrated to Switzerland have the opportunity to start or resume higher education studies. The Perspectives AlterEgauZ bridging programme enables them to prepare for their entry into higher education and, subsequently, to improve their integration into the world of work thanks to better qualifications.
- Attend modules of the regular Bachelor’s degree programme as a guest student with the opportunity to take exams and earn virtual ECTS credits
- Access to HES-SO services, including Contact Student Counselling and HELP psychological and social counselling
- Access to HES-SO language courses (Altissima programme) and courses at the University of Fribourg Language Centre
- Specific support modules for refugee students and their mentors
- Support from student mentors (peer-to-peer)
- Individual support from a professor
- Internships in the social field
Admission criteria
- Interest and motivation for the professions of social work and training at the university of applied sciences
- Fulfil the admission requirements of the university of applied sciences
- Be able to express yourself in French: Through immersion in the programme and access to the HES-SO language tandems, participants should have reached a level of B2 or higher by the end of the programme.
- Have an N, F, B or C refugee card
- Receive support from an integration organisation (Caritas, ORS)
Contact person: Marie-Christine Ukelo-Mbolo Merga
Website (in French)
Media coverage
INLINE: Nachhaltige Integration dank FH-Bildung (22.02.2023)
School of Social Work and Health Lausanne (HETSL) | Education without borders (INVOST)
The aim of HETSL’s Formation sans frontières programme is to give people from asylum backgrounds access to tertiary education and, more generally, to promote their integration in Switzerland. Each year 4 people can take part in the programme.
- Participation in two modules as a guest student, including the respective exams. By passing the exams, participants receive virtual ECTS points that can be credited to their Bachelor’s degree programme
- Support from student mentors
- Support in the admission procedure
Admission criteria
- Individuals must be able to follow lessons in French, participate in class discussions and have an appropriate academic background to pursue tertiary-level education
- No previous degree required
Contact person: Oana Ruxandra Ciobanu, Professor at HETSL
Website (in French)
Italian-speaking Switzerland
Franklin University of Switzerland | Scholarships without Borders
Scholarships Without Borders would like to enable refugees to study on a regular basis and therefore supports two students each year with a scholarship that covers all university costs. Depending on language skills and previous academic knowledge, students can either start a regular degree programme directly or complete an individually tailored bridging course first.
- Participation in an international summer school program on human rights, leadership skills, and the role of higher education in the process of integration and in the rebuilding of war-torn countries.
- Academic and personal support from a close network of faculty advisors, peer mentors and professional staff
- Intensive English courses
- Language course in a Swiss national language
- Participation in university sports and access to libraries and electronic resources
- Full or supplementary financial coverage of study costs and academic travel.
Admission criteria
- The programme has accepted students who live in the canton of Ticino. However, Scholarships without Borders is open to all student refugees (provided that a solution to their residence status can be found).
- F, B or S residence permit; school-leaving qualifications (e.g. Baccalaureate) from country of origin
- English language skills: B1 level or higher
Contact person: Caroline Wiedmer
USI | InclUSIone
The project at the USI aims to facilitate access to university studies for qualified with a refugee background.
- The possibility to access to courses as a guest student
- Pre-enrolment access to Italian and/or Englisch language classes
- Support and tutoring
- Reduced registration fee
- For refugee students that have been admitted to regular study programs, the USI offers support and tutoring.
- For job-seeking graduates, there is the possibility of having continued access to some courses with reduced registration fee.
Contact person: Maurizia Ruinelli
Media coverage
- RSI: Millevoci (5.9.2024)
- La Regione: I rifugiati, all’Usi ‘studenti come tutti gli altri’ (26.7.2024)

Are you involved in a university project and the information is missing on the overview and/or in our contact list? Or is there information about your project that is not yet available here yet? Please get in touch with us: